Our Guests

7th Season! 2024

  • Pluto in Aquarius! & Retrograde in Cap
  • North Node conjunct Chiron in Aries
  • Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus
  • Jupiter in Taurus & Gemini!
  • Sedna in Gemini
  • Gemini Venus Star Point
  • Solar/Lunar Eclipses – Solstice/Equinox


1st Sun – Archetypal Symbols | 2nd Sun –  Planet Buzz | 3rd Sun – Special Guest Panels | 4th Sun – Kaleidoscope Visions | Quarterly ASTRO JAM | Seasonally – Good Vibrations Panel – Spring/Autumn Equinox & Summer/Winter Solstice

ISRAEL AJOSE:  D.Psych.Astrol is a dedicated student, teacher of astrology and tarot. He is now a full-time practitioner and teacher of astrology, tarot, philosophical and esoteric teachings, which he began studying and completing full honours in psychological astrology at the Center of Psychological Astrology in London with Liz Greene.

  • Israel combines traditional, mediaeval, psychological and Vedic techniques to provide guidance, answers, and consultations to students and clients worldwide.
  • Past President of the Astrological Lodge of London.
  • Studies and practices also include cosmology, mythology, occult sciences, Kabbalah, shamanism and divination.

Email: astrologyofthesoul@gmail.com

Michael Bartlett, Santa Fe, NM


MICHAEL BARTLETT: Metaphysical Astrologer, Consultant, experiential intensives, readings, speaking engagements and workshop intensives. Michael focuses on esoteric astrology and traditional while incorporating the depths of the outer planets. His Core Energetic training, highly intuitive nature, three decades of business experience and over two decades of astrological wisdom give him an extensively resourced toolbox.

2024 began YouTube channel: The Relationship Guys.  Michael is the author of: Astrological Mavericks: Do you have what it takes to change the world? A book about individuals with planets on their chart’s angles and  AstroTheatre: A revolutionary approach to the ancient art of astrology. Past interim president of Kepler College, He offers through them webinars and workshops.  

Linda Berry, PAC, MSSW, Louisville, KY


LINDA BERRY, PAC, MSSW: received her Professional Astrology Certificate (PAC) in Vibrational Astrology January 2015 from Avalon School of Astrology studying with David Cochrane the Founder of Vibrational Astrology (VA). She holds a Bachelor of Psychology, and a Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW).

Linda’s an International Consultant with clients worldwide, teaches VA classes, the VA Research Group Moderator, and Author.

She created “Frequency Finder”, a VA Add-on to Sirius and Kepler Astrological Software. is co-author with David Cochrane of Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects, and author of Awakening from a Deep Sleep, a spiritual book on remembering who we are.

Her free daily blog, “The Vibrational Astrology Diary”, is on the daily dance of the planets using the techniques of Vibrational Astrology and the Sabian Symbols, distributed freely to those who desire it and email her. She has an older site, Astrological Depth with Transneptunian Objects 2008-2012.

Each January, Linda Berry teaches an introduction series of courses for new students on Vibrational Astrology through her school. Email:Linda@AstrologicalDepth.com

Talk Cosmos insightful conversational guest panel member of seasonal panel, Good Vibrations – for each Equinox and Solstice through the lens of Vibrational Astrology.


Brisbane, Australia


MELISSA ELVIRA BILLINGTON: worked in the arts in Santa Fe, Boise, and New York City before heading to India to explore both the creative and healing arts. She traveled from India to Barbados, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, to Australia.

Actor in film, commercial, theatre, & a one-woman show she wrote: Kuiper Belt as Foxy Moxy, the Space Cowgirl and PocaHauntUs—Shapeshifting History into HerStory.  Performance: movement/stand-up comedy. Photography.

International Personal Studio Yoga teacher. Taught in schools, gyms, resorts, prisons, rehab centres, festivals, morning television. Melissa’s brand, MYOGA Freedom on YouTube and via Substack page.

Astrologer: Studied astrology: Graham Ibell, New Zealand. Dwarf Planet University Graduate; Assistant teacher for Alan Clay. Co-author: Haumea; Makemake: Dwarf Planet University textbooks.

Enrolled: Master of Environmental Management at University of Queensland, Brisbane.

Blog: Trust the Longer Journey at Substack.


John Chinworth,

Seattle, WA


JOHN CHINWORTH: Consultant, Conference Lecturer, Writer.

Growing up in Southern Arizona, I was so obsessed with mythology, I branded the Greco-Roman pantheon into my psyche.

My experience of teaching and mentoring developmentally disabled and resource students for many years, seasoned me with an exceptional reconciling energy.

Starting with reading, I then honed skills by studying with accomplished astrologers. Having more than two decades of experience, I continue to enhance consulting techniques by attending workshops and conferences.

Lectured at NORWAC, SFAS .Served on the board of WSAA . Hold a Diploma from the International Academy of Astrology in 2021. I relax by penning poems, and going on road trips around Washington. Panel team member of Talk Cosmos Kaleidoscope Visions. email: archerstars@gmail.com

Alan Clay, Sydney, Australia


ALAN CLAY:  New Zealander Alan Clay is a transpersonal astrologer, inspired by the work of Dane Rudhyar, and an International Lecturer,  Astrology Consultant, and Founder of Dwarf Planet University class instructor.

Alan has done extensive research on the new dwarf planets. His book, ‘Sedna Consciousness, the Soul’s Path of Destiny’ is the ultimate reference on the new outer limit of our solar system, Sedna. Recently published, “New Stars for a New Era. A Consciousness Workbook for Our 10 New Planets.” He published two in a series of textbooks on the dwarfs titled: The Astrology of Haumea, Neptune’s Higher Octave, and The Astrology of Makemake, Uranus’ Higher Octave.

In 2020 he founded the Dwarf Planet University, where he teaches online diploma courses helping students understand the meaning of each of the dwarf planets in their personal chart.

Other achievements include: Filmmaker: Courting Chaos; Other authored books: Angels Can Fly, a Modern Clown User Guide; Moontan and Chrystal, Believers in Love


Justin Crockett Elzie, Seattle, WA


JUSTIN CROCKETT ELZIE: An Archetypal Jyotish Astrologer, Teacher, Spiritualist
Evidential Medium, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Buddhist, and Author. Justin
specializes in Predictive/Electional, and Karmic Astrology. He combines both Western
Ancient Astrology and Modern Psychological Astrology with Eastern Jyotish Astrology.

His work with clients includes in-depth analysis of Natal charts, Synastry (couples charts), Draconic Charts, and works with Progressions, Transits, and Planetary Returns. Using these he is able to link people together with their appropriate paths in life, and what cycle they are in along with what is coming up in the future for them. With compassion he seeks to empower clients towards healing and helping them to maximize their potential while at the same time offering healing or remedial modalities for psychological life issues.

Justin does Astrological research into arcane Astrological concepts, focusing on the
mystical/occult side of Astrology.

YouTube channel: The Relationship Guys. On Instagram, Monthly Mars Forecast; Weekly Lunar Forecast ‘ Ask The Astrologer Series. email: justin.elzie@gmail.com

Member of Talk Cosmos Archetypal Symbols, Astro Jam, and individual panels.


Lesley Francis, Edmonton, Alberta Canada


LESLEY FRANCIS: Master Astrologer, intuitive consultant, author, and facilitator of online classes, workshops, panels, retreat instructor.  Developed her own approach to astrology called Purpose-Centered Astrology.

A national/international lecturer and humorist. Wrote the 2019 & 2020 Llewellyn Sun Sign Book. President of the Edmonton Astrological Society. Past official astrologer for the British online magazine, Female First.  Former journalist, media relations consultant, and past judge for Canada’s music award, the Junos.

Created her own astrology oracle, Star Cards, and writing a book for Star Cards. Lesley has taught a variety of spiritually oriented classes, including meditation. Launched her own podcast in 2020, Coloring Outside the Box (part of her own YouTube channel).

Guest panel member of Talk Cosmos Planet Buzz Dec 2020 – Aug 2022, including other events.

ANDREA GEHRZ: is a professional astrologer for 24 years, exclusively online.  An Astrology Consultant, Natal Chart, Transits, Relationship, Children, Any Inquiry. 

Authored 15 astrology books. includes several ancient Greek to English translations, and the textbook Astrological Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner how to resolve ANY problem in an astrological chart. Astrology Readings!

International Zoom Forum Tuesday at 5:30pm PT on website MoiraPress.com. People reading high level textbooks with deep discussions about the week’s topic, and afterparty. Andrea teaches a Master Class Saturdays at Noon PST, for people trying to learn how to read their own chart or become astrologers. New Website. Email agehrz@gmail.com for mailing list; friend at Facebook to talk daily.


CALLIE KARES: internationally known luminary, master intuitive energy healer, Core Belief Engineer; founder of Life Enhancement Hawaii and Ascension Healing Academy. Callie is dedicated to helping people heal and tap into their number one innate asset – their intuition. Her clients say she is a force of nature in the world of Personal Development.  She personally had a miraculous healing and overcame paralysis and then dedicated her life to holistic transformation.

Over the last 25 years Callie has merged consciousness, neuroscience, and healing energetics to train tens of thousands of people to strengthen their mind, body and spirit into their next level self. Change is inevitable and Callie connects her clients to navigate their inner compass in our ever-changing world to attain their full potential both personally and professionally to achieve connectedness, health, wealth and success.



SEAN KELLEY: SPEAKER, EXECUTIVE, MOTIVATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Focus on Digital Business since 1998. Worked with many of the world’s renowned astrologers, from Kelli Fox and Jan Spiller to Henry Seltzer and Michael Lutin. Sean was instrumental in the 2000’s driving business for https://www.Tarot.com.  

He had his real first look at Astrology after a natal chart was handed to him in his philosophy class at San Diego State. He innately understood the archetypes associated with the symbolism. Has done thousands of charts, however considers himself a perpetual student of Astrology. Guest panel member of Astro Jam.

Elizabeth Liz Muschett,

Camano Island, WA

https://www.alightpath.com  or https://www.lizmuschett.com

ELIZABETH LIZ MUSCHETT: Professional Astrologer, Intuitive, Numerology & Tarotist. Provides Nurturing In-Depth Individual and Couples Consultations for Natal, Progressions, Solar Arcs, Solar Returns, Relationship Astrology. Email: lizmuschett@gmail.com

  • Author & Blogger, Lecturer & Workshops.
  • International Teacher & Tutor
  • YouTube weekly program
  • International Reiki Master & Teacher.
  • Sacred Healing Counselor

Guest panel member of Talk Cosmos monthly panel, Archetypal Symbols, and of past panel, Moonbeam Team.

Jennifer Ng,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


JENNIFER NG:  Jen provides Western horary, forecasting, and synastry consultations, and holds the Medical Astrology Diploma and the Horary Practitioner from The School of Traditional Astrology. Jen practices Four Pillars (八字 Ba’Zi) and Feng Shui (風水) from the Yellow Hat Sect widely practiced in East Asia and teaches Four Pillars at The International Academy of Astrology.

She was the host of The Cosmic Pulse Podcast; gave talks for various astrological associations (OPA, NCGR, ISAR). Jen currently serves as Secretary for Kepler Toastmasters and served as Co-as President of ATI , and the IAA Board.   Currently working on research on the 12th house with support from the OPA I-Astrologer Research Grant special mention and completed the AFAN (now OPA) 2022-2023 Mentorship program. Jen has a passion for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, environmental justice, and cultural history.

MARIE O’NEILL: MBA, is founder of Padma Life Coaching located in Santa Rosa, California. Marie has many years of experience as a life coach, astrologer, speaker, coach, past-life regression facilitator and lecturer.

She is a Distinguished Toastmaster through Toastmasters International, is on the Board of Directors with TEDx Sonoma County and is an astrology mentor with FCEA. In addition, Marie lectures at numerous Astrology conferences.

Marie added published Author to her list of achievements with the recent book, “and the Lotus Opened“. Facilitates a Virtual Healing Retreat presented by Padma Life Coaching twice a year but the dates change every year. Marie’s passion is helping others achieve their dreams, goals and to shine brightly in the world. Guest panel member of Talk Cosmos Astro Jam.




Robert Pacitti,

Greater Pittsburgh Area, USA


ROBERT PACITTI: is a professional consulting astrologer and the visionary behind Deep Earth Astrology. Specializing in vibrational and psychological techniques, he has honed his craft under the tutelage of mentors Linda Berry, Sarah Fuhro, Margaret Gray, and Yvonne Tarnas. Email: deepearthastrology@gmail.com 

Infusing his practice with a deep connection to nature spirituality, Robert holds the title of Grand Pendragon in the Ancient Order of Druids in America and is the Director of the MAGUS Gathering in Gore, Virginia.

In 2025, he will be releasing the Deep Earth Astrology Tarot, a divination tool and teaching aid that integrates astrology, herbalism, and nature reverence.

Talk Cosmos guest member panelist, Good Vibrations.



Amanda Pierce,

Seattle, WA


AMANDA PIERCE:  blends her eclectic style of astrology and energy magic around a soul-centered approach to life and healing. With a B.A. in Psychology, Amanda has a drive to uncover the root causes to life’s issues and empower her clients in the process. Astrology and Energy Work Consultation | Meditation | Writing & Editing. Empowerment-based Meditation: teaching in-person 4-week series classes.   amandamoonastrology@gmail.com

Past Washington State Astrological Association Board Member | United Astrology Conference 2018 Volunteer Coordinator. Talk Cosmos guest member panelist, Kaleidoscope Visions, & past Cosmic Collaboration Panel.





Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


TRACY QUINLAN: Tracy has been a practicing astrologer for 9 years. She’s earned Astrological certificates from Kepler College, the School of Traditional Astrology (STA), and has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Psychology.

Served as an interim board member for AFAN, as president for her local Astrology group where she continues on the board as active Past President. Writes the horoscopes for the Llewellyn Astrological Calendar and been published in several astrological publications. Spoken for astrology conferences and local groups, including U.A.C. and NORWAC.

She has recently become a practitioner of Acutonics Sound Therapy and continues learning, evolving, and developing her skills in all of her work.


Santa Fe, New Mexico


SAMUEL F. REYNOLDS ISAR CAP: a former skeptic, had a life-changing visit to an astrologer and has since spent 30 years doing charts and studying astrology. Now Samuel consults, teaches astrology full-time, and is an international conference keynote speaker and lecturer.

Serves as President of the Board of Directors for the International Academy of Astrology. Sam’s also a co-founder of the International Society of Black Astrologers. He was the co-recipient of ISAR’s 2022 Community Service Award.

A published and anthologized poet, and essayist, he’s written for multiple print and online outlets, including Ebony.com, horoscope.com, tarot.com, and New York Magazine.

Guest panel member of Talk Cosmos panels: Astro Jam, and the 2022 mini-series USA Pluto Return & Power.

RAE RUTTER: the new Publisher of The Mountain Astrologer magazine and CEO of Egregore,Inc https://mountainastrologer.com/ A 2nd-generation astrologer preferring the title “astromancer”— a witch holding space for sacred language play.


Holds a BA in Recreation Management and English Language from California Polytechnic State University of San Luis Obispo, CA. Rae is passionate about psychohorology, sexology, and narratology.

Talk Cosmos panel member of Astro Jam, and guest shows since  2018. For consultations, visit: https://theneptuneunderground.com/ 

LAURA TADD, Ph.D., Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia


DR. LAURA TADD: Spiritually oriented, psychological astrologer and well-being mentor Dr. Laura Tadd works in-person and online, aiding her clients in mind, body, and spirit healing and discovery. Employing various experiential astrological and wellness techniques, she firmly believes in helping her clients recognize their potential— thereby supporting them to navigate the inevitable twists and turns of life.

In addition to her client work, Laura is a writer, teacher, and lecturer. She holds a monthly astrology talk, Cosmic Conversations, outside of Atlanta, GA, where she discusses upcoming planetary alignments and their historical significance and patterning.

Laura Co-leads retreats with other wellness-focused healers and teachers across the globe. https://mythicsky.com/goddess-awakening-retreat-2024/

A Board member of the International Association for Ethics in Astrology and has previously served on the Washington State Astrological Association  Board, the Steering Committee for the Association for Astrological Networking, and the Planning Committee for the United Astrology Conference 2018.

She writes for The Mountain Astrologer, Celestial Vibes, and Tarot.com. Laura lives in a wellness community south of Atlanta, GA, and holds a PhD in Human Science. She has been a monthly Talk Cosmos’ Planet Buzz panelist since March 2020.


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